This is a extended list of most used PHP helpers. For a complete list of helpers and utility functions please browse creatus/inc/helpers.php
and creatus/inc/utility.php
Beside Creatus PHP helpers here is a list of Unyson PHP Helpers that you can use.
Get option
Return theme option value. If theme option is set in post/taxonomy custom option, it returns post/taxonomy custom option value instead.
thz_get_option( $option_id, $default_value = null );
Get theme option
Return only theme option value.
thz_get_theme_option( $option_id, $default_value = null );
Get post option
Return post or tax option value.
thz_get_post_option( $option_id = null, $default_value = null );
Get global option
Return portfolio, category, post or page option
_thz_fw_get_global_option ( $option_id, $default_value = null );
WP file system
Return wp_filesystem, initiate if not available.
Theme uri
Return theme url. If child-theme is active return child-theme url.
Theme dir
Return theme dir. If child-theme is active return child-theme dir.
Theme file url
Return theme file uri. If file exists in child-theme return child-theme file uri.
* Search relative path in child than in parent theme directory and return URI
* @param string $rel_path '/some/path_to_dir' or '/some/path_to_file.php'
* @return string URI
thz_theme_file_uri( $rel_path );
Theme file path
Return theme file path. If file exists in child-theme return child-theme file path.
* Search relative path in child then in parent theme directory and return full path
* @param string $rel_path '/some/path_to_dir' or '/some/path_to_file.php'
* @return string path
thz_theme_file_path( $rel_path )
Theme version
Return current theme version.
Sanitize class names
Retur sanitized HTML element class names.
thz_sanitize_class( $classnames, $fallback = null )
Property unit
Returns clean number with specified unit. If no match, fallback is used as unit.
Allowed units are px, %, rem, em, vw, vh, vmin ,vmax.
If $auto is set to true it allows auto
as value if found. If $none is set to true it allows none
as value if found.
thz_property_unit( $val, $default, $auto = false, $none = false )
Replace palette colors
Creatus color options can use palette codes like color_1
in output. Use this function to convert the color palette strings with actual color value.
The function is able to convert multiple color codes and large strings like complete CSS files.
thz_replace_palette_colors( $string, $palette = false)